Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Marathon recovery...tight as a drum...

Well, I'm getting closer to having the motivation to run a little bit (and today may be the day), but my hamstrings are sealed shut on the third day after the marathon. I iced my quads right after the race which helped tremendously, but the hamstrings are killing me. This is not a new thing, and requires some stretching and maybe a massage (grrrrr). I like to think about recovery as if I have another marathon on the following weekend. I want to speed it up as much as possible. Here are some of my classic recovery tricks: 1. Ice the legs right after the race. Bring ice packs in a cooler to the race. 2. Get some protein in the pie hole right after the race. 3. Drink some sour cherry juice for a few days after the race. I read that once and have no idea if it does anything. The taste isn't bad as a breakfast aperitif. 4. Stretch lightly each day...don't go wild with this or you run the risk of injury. 5. Take a warm bath, but not on the same day as the race. The age-old wisdom of taking an ice bath right after the race isn't gonna happen for me. 6. Keep doing your core exercises. I do 200 sit-ups and 50 push-ups every day. I throw in an occasional plank, too. It makes you think you are doing something until you feel like running again. Anything else that anyone does for recovery?

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